10bet十博体育 strives to provide excellent service when fulfilling requests for medical records. 以便帮助我们及时向您提供您需要的记录, please see the instructions below or see our frequently asked questions (FAQs) for more information.
10bet十博体育 strives to provide excellent service when fulfilling requests for medical records. 以便帮助我们及时向您提供您需要的记录, please see the instructions below or see our frequently asked questions (FAQs) for more information.
Complete the authorization form, include any supporting legal documentation, and mail or fax it to:
557 W. 华盛顿大街
Burns, OR 97720
请填写上述授权表格以索取资料. Be sure to include documentation that legally supports your right to request records on behalf of the patient. Examples of this documentation include Healthcare Power of Attorney that refers to medical records, 法定监护, 法院命令, 或预先指示中指定的医疗保健代表.
Please note: Many Durable Power of Attorney documents do not include language that allows a designated person to request medical records on a patient’s behalf.
Complete the authorization form, include any supporting legal documentation, and mail or fax it to:
557 W. 华盛顿大街
Burns, OR 97720
The 10bet十博体育 MyChart patient portal offers you personalized and secure online access to portions of your medical records, 以及多种工具来帮助您管理您的护理. MyChart可以通过网络浏览器或移动应用程序访问. 你可以在这里访问MyChart.
Please log into your MyChart account and select the “Request Records” button. 完成在线表格以索取您的记录. Only records for services that occurred on or after April 7, 2018 may be sent to you through MyChart.
注意:账单或放射图像将无法通过MyChart获得, 但是你可以通过填写一份表格来申请这些项目 授权使用和披露受保护的健康信息.
Complete the authorization form, include any supporting legal documentation, and mail or fax it to:
557 W. 华盛顿大街
Burns, OR 97720
您的记录将被发布到您的MyChart帐户. 请下载或列印以供日后使用, 因为它们将在释放给你30天后到期.
如果你有你家人的医疗记录, you can view most of the information in their records in the same way that you view your own.
0 - 13岁未成年人的代理访问: If you are a parent or legal guardian with a 10bet十博体育 MyChart account, log in to your MyChart account and electronically request proxy access for your child’s MyChart account from the MyChart 10bet十博体育page. If you do not have a 10bet十博体育 account, please fill out the 次要代理访问授权表 and bring it to your child’s next visit or mail to the address noted on the form. 可以找到分步说明 在这里. 您将被要求在查看文档之前登录.
14 - 17岁未成年人代理访问: The minor may send friends or family an invitation (from their MyChart account) to gain proxy access. 从未成年人的MyChart账户, minor can access Health > 分享 My Record > Friends and family access to invite another person to view their MyChart record. If the minor hasn’t created a MyChart account nor wishes to, complete a copy of the 次要代理访问授权表 and bring it to your child’s next visit or mail to the address noted on the form. 您将被要求在查看文档之前登录.
18岁及以上成年人的代理访问: The patient may send friends or family an invitation (from their MyChart account) to gain proxy access. 从他们的MyChart账户, patient can access Health > 分享 My Record > Friends and family access to invite another person to view their MyChart record. 您将被要求在查看文档之前登录.
If the patient hasn’t created a MyChart account nor wishes to, complete a copy of the 成人代理访问授权表格 寄到表格上注明的地址.
Patients of providers who use Epic software are able to connect third-party applications (apps) to retrieve parts of their health record for their own personal use. 可以拉入应用程序的数据示例包括实验室结果, 过敏, 药物, 免疫史.
为了验证一个应用程序来检索你的健康数据, 请遵循Epic网站上列出的步骤. (Note that images may not reflect 10bet十博体育’s exact layout or content for each step in the process).
Cómo permitir que una aplicación (app) de terceros acceda a su expediente médico
You may request an electronic document that includes all information within your entire medical record. This large document acts as an interface between two electronic health systems. 每次请求EHI导出时, the system will capture your most recent visit as well as everything else in your medical record. 虽然它是计算机友好的,但这个文件占用了很多空间. We advise that you request this document in electronic PDF format, as it is the most user friendly.
The fee depends on the format of the records and the number of pages released. 10bet十博体育’s 发布信息 department can provide you with copies of your records in paper or electronic format. 光盘上的放射学图像需要额外的费用. (标准复制费用将根据联邦和州法规适用).
尽管联邦和州法律允许最多30天的处理时间, our goal is to have your medical records request completed as soon as possible. 一旦我们完成了您的请求, our team will either mail you an invoice (if t在这里 is a fee) 或打电话 you to alert you that the records are ready.
如果您要求将您的记录发送给医疗保健提供者, it is often faster to ask the provider’s office to request that information be sent directly to them.
如果有记录费用,您将收到账单发票. 你可以打电话或邮寄付款. 我们接受信用卡/借记卡、现金和支票.
一旦你的发票付款, we will mail your records to you or you can call 541-573-8339 or 541-573-6054 to discuss other methods.
If you’re unable to pay the fee, please call our office at 541-573-8339 or 541-573-6054.
联系新闻发布部, 请在周一至周五的正常营业时间致电:541-573-8339, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 太平洋标准时间.
如果你认为你的医疗记录有误, 你可以要求10bet十博体育检查你的记录. 批准的,可以修改. 修改请求并不保证更改. 但是,我们会就审核结果与您联系.
Please complete and sign a Request for Amendment form and return it to 10bet十博体育 Health Information Manager at:
557 W. 华盛顿大街.
Burns, OR 97720